Please send Quotation for the following item type .
.We would like to know your prices and the way of shipment to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia .
Receptacle range 50A, 125/250V, 3P 4W, grnd nema , type: 14-50. Part No: PS.3894
.Quantity 180
Plug angle range 50A, 125/250V, 3P 4W, grnd nema type:14-50p, black colour PartNo: PS.3867 & Wall plt S/S 1G powr recp, PS.SS724, Quantity 80
Please inform us if you have ever sent similar item to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to inform us also of your authorized agent (if any).
We also would like you to let us know Address for your agents authorized in saudi Arabia or in the golf countries such the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, or Bahrain, and to provide us with an address to contact them.
Looking forward to your reply.
Mahdi S.Al-rasheed
Est. Manager.
Pass & Seymour 3867CC5 30/50 Amp Black Range Plug #u431858 at
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